Bootstrap Themes

Struggling to identify or source fasteners?

We know there's a million types of fastener, and we know it can be hard to work out exactly what you need, and more importantly how to source it!

Our friendly team are always happy to advise, no matter what the requirement. Think of us as an extension of your project team!

Bootstrap Themes

Dealing with too many suppliers?

When projects are complicated, and technical requirements are stringent, it can be frustrating to have to manage multiple suppliers for multiple items.

Think of us as a one-stop-shop. Our vast experience and expansive supply chain enables us to source any fastener you need.

Bootstrap Themes

Spending too much time storing and packing stock?

Our customers usually want to focus their time on running their business, not managing stockrooms or re-packing fasteners.

We can supply exactly what you need, how you need it; whether it's non-box quantities, or fastener kits packaged to your specification.

Bootstrap Themes

Not totally happy with your current suppliers?

We often hear of fastener suppliers who are hard to get hold of, difficult to talk to, or slow to respond to enquiries.

Our customers also tell us of suppliers who are unreliable, inflexible, and generally not aligned with their business.

We're different. To us; customer experience is paramount, from enquiry to fulfilment.